What should I do if my pet female cat has dystocia? Needs better care

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What should a female cat do when she has dystocia? Nowadays, many people like to raise pet cats, so some cat lovers will choose to breed cats and raise a litter of cats. However, some people who have raised female cats will know that cats may encounter dystocia during production. What should you do if your cat has dystocia? Next, I will give you some instructions from the master.

When a cat reaches birth, the vaginal area of ​​the vulva is drained of foul red and smelly fluid. At the same time, the female cat also licked the cat with her tongue, kicked her abdomen with her hind feet or often slid on the ground. There is an obvious discontinuity in the cat's abdomen, but it is not visible for a long time. You can then infer that the cat has had dystocia.

When a cat is difficult to have a baby, the breeder can use the cat's abdomen to gently massage the cat's abdomen at the same frequency as the cat's belly breaks, and press the abdominal wall from light to heavy to encourage it to strengthen the break and produce the fetus. If the kitten is not seen for a long time with the help of the breeder, it should be sent to the clinic immediately for treatment.

Before a cat is handed over, it is best for breeders to take the pet cat to a pet clinic for a pre-consumption examination. Based on the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, it is decided whether the pet cat can be produced by himself or in the hospital. Do the necessary work during pickup to ensure the cat can be transported safely and safely.

Dystocia often occurs mainly in kittens that are born for the first time, are weak, malnourished, or are older. The causes of dystocia in different cats are different, which can be summarized as follows: female cats are mainly due to obesity and small birth canal (genuinely small or with pelvic fracture or abnormal birth canal). The cervix is ​​not dilated enough, and the ability to interrupt the uterus is lacking (sometimes due to the exhaustion of energy due to long-term consumption or the inherent inability to interrupt the uterus), uterine changes, uterine segmentation, ectopic pregnancy, etc. For the fetus, it is mainly due to excessive fetal size, excessive fetal head (mainly occurring in flat cats), fetal death, fetal abnormalities and fetal dislocation, etc.

When a cat has difficulty with consumption, doctors take different measures based on the results of the examination. Some cats may use pace needles and supplemental physical energy to successfully produce fetuses. Some cats require caesarean section. Cats and humans are different. Cats receive general anesthesia during caesarean section. Therefore, the cat’s physical condition must be fully evaluated before appropriate surgical planning is initiated. In order to minimize the risks of anesthesia, it is recommended to use respiratory anesthesia during cesarean section.

Two weeks after the cat is mated, the cat's mother's nipples begin to harden and turn pink. In 56 days, the cat's baby will be born. A few weeks into the pregnancy, the cat's mother's stomach began to enlarge and she didn't want people to hold her. Don't misinterpret it. this is forProtect your baby's stomach.

After the cat is born, after a while, the cat's mother rests and rests. After a few minutes or 20 minutes, the placenta will probably come out. The placenta must be discarded, otherwise the cat's mother will eat it, which may cause diarrhea. This is probably the protective nature of cats. In the wild placenta, other animals will be attacked, but you may not notice that even if the cat eats the placenta, there is no need to worry too much. Occasionally the placentas of several kittens come out.

All cat lovers need to note that the temperament of female cats is very unstable during pregnancy. Best for zooming out and playing. In order to impart more nutrients, having a case of immediate medical attention is the right way. Don’t be too busy and delay your cat’s adjustment!

You may want to ask the veterinarian what issues you need to pay attention to before buying a cat.

The above is to tell you some relevant content about cats living and healthy to provide reference

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For more information about pet cats, as well as buying and selling cats, please log in to www.maomijiaoyi.com



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